
Jeff Kraig Allstate Agency Owner • Cleveland's Source for Personal Insurance

Why we sell Insurance

The reason you buy insurance is to protect your interests in the event of an accident or other loss.

We care about your interests, and we think our customers deserve personal service instead of a recording in some far-off state.

We treat you like a person, not a number!

Our Products

Auto - Home - Renters - Umbrella
This insurance provides the peace of mind that an unexpected loss to your property will not financially ruin your life. It also provides the liability protection needed when others seek damages from you.

Motorcycle - Boat - RV - Watercraft
If you own toys this insurnace is essential. Like the above insurance these policies protect the item if damaged and protect the owner for liability. Many people think their toys are covered by their home insurance but that's not the case. Most toys need to have their own coverage.

Life and Retirement
Peace of Mind that life insurance provides:
Knowing that death will not result in a finacial hardship for loved ones.
Peace of Mind that retirement investments provides:
Knowing that someday you can retire and maintain the same quality of life you have today.

6588 Brecksville Road • Suite 1 • Independence, Ohio 44131
Phone: (216) 524-7800 • Fax: (216) 524-0673 • Email: Jeff Kraig

Auto Insurance
Home Insurance
Condo Insurance

Manufactured Homes Insurance
Business Insurance
Mototrcycle Insurance
Boat Insurance

Life Insurance